Tools for Teacher

         Game is one of the successful ways of learning. Students will really enjoy the game even if they do not realize they are learning. In this modern era, we need innovation in creating game. There are many tools which can help teachers in teaching and learning process in the classroom. It will help teachers to make quiz for their students easily. In this following, there are some teaching tools that you can download for your success teaching, such as:

1. EclipseCrossword Puzzle

It helps you to create crossword puzzle easily. You can write any set of words you choose. You just need to decide what topic you want to use in teaching and learning process in the classroom. So that, it will be easier for students to answer the questions. Just download it from this website! ^^

1.       2. Language Game Online
It is used to create some games. There are five kind of games here. They are memory, matching, tetris, comprehension task, and sentence game maker.
a. Memory Game Maker is not classic way in learning. Students don't need to memorize some vocabulary by reading on and on. It helps you to make a game of memorizing text with text, text with picture, or text with voice.
b. Matching Game Maker is used for making a matching game.
c. Sentence Game Maker to make a sentence and then you fill the gap of the sentence.
d. Comprehension Task Maker is a game for making a multiple choice question.
e. Tetris Game Maker is like playing game. I mean when you are playing the game you will answer the question that have been provided. 
 For addition, I put a Portal maker. It is used to collect all of games to be one.
Just download the software below! 

3. Hot Potatoes
This software is actually almost the same as Language game online. Hot Potatoes includes six applications, you can create some interactive quiz such as multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises.
Just go to this website and download the software!

4. Zunal WebQuest maker
It is very usefull for teacher who might be can't attend the classroom. hehe ;D but...I think using WebQuest can let the students to figure out the materials by themshelves. The teacher just need to guide them by providing some resources for the lesson. You have to try it! Here, the website of Zunal WebQuestmaker.

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